Tracking clicks on all outbound links is known as exit tracking or outbound tracking. Enable (or refresh) the Preview and Debug mode, go to your website and refresh the page. Added in the following details to the tag. The limitation of “out-of-the-box” Google Analytics. Click “New Tag” and name your tag. The other is Auto-Event Tracking. Click New Tag in Google Tag Manager. When a form has been successfully submitted to HubSpot, HubSpot propagates an event that we can listen to and use to trigger marketing tags within Google Tag Manager. One of the ways how to find that out is to do the right-click somewhere near that element that you want to track. However, if you’re using Tag Manager, I haven’t found a resource that will help you much, so I created one here. In fact, I’ve created a guide – 99 things you can do with Google Tag Manager (and this goes even beyond the event tracking). I understand that some readers of this blog post are just starting with GA so they might not be familiar with the event tracking concept. 1. Using GTM won’t make you independent from IT anyway. Google Tag Manager empowers you to track various events on a website and then send that data to tools like Google Analytics where you can analyze. Click the orange banner first, then refresh your website. How to respond to a possible supervisor asking for a CV I don't have Case … Talk to you soon! GTM Event Tracking Example #2 – Document Link Clicks, #2.4. So, here’s a basic primer on getting started in Google Tag Manager with the Facebook Pixel and its default event tracking scripts. Ask him/her to push the interaction and its data to the, This guide definitely does not cover all the possible scenarios. This book focuses solely on the ‘analytics’ that power your email marketing optimization program and will help you dramatically reduce your cost per acquisition and increase marketing ROI by tracking the performance of the various KPIs and metrics used for email marketing. In fact, he/she spent 10 minutes and purchased a product. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every time you want to track a new page element, you would need to create a new Google Analytics tag of type ‘Event’. To track form submissions on a website via Google Tag Manager, follow the steps below: Step-1: Note down the URL of the page where your form is embedded. You’ll see a new event, Link Click. This happens because, by default, Google Tag Manager does not track clicks (or any other events), therefore, you need to configure them by yourself. You can check that by enabling the Preview and Debug mode and refreshing the web page that you’re working on. Save it and refresh the preview and debug mode. A video player can be embedded on another page. There, you’ll see some link-click-related parameters, like gtm.elementId or gtm.elementClasses, for example: Even though the click data is tracked by Google Tag Manager, it is not available in the Variables tab of the P&D console. To learn about implementing scroll tracking via GTM, check out the following two articles: #1  Implementing Scroll Tracking via Google Tag Manager, #2 Scroll Tracking via Scroll Depth Trigger in Google Tag Manager. A Link Click event will appear in the event list of the P&D console, click it. If the ‘id’ attribute is missing, then ask your developer to add one. if a person scrolls 50% or more, that should decrease a bounce rate). * as explained earlier. What are those? Note(3): The ‘Fire this trigger’ condition makes sure, that this trigger does not fire for clicks on the links, which are internal i.e. Before you start tracking virtual pageviews via Google Tag Manager (GTM), make sure that you have enabled all the ‘built-in variables‘ of type: Pages, Clicks and Forms.. By doing that these variables will be available to you when you create tags and triggers later on. pageview or event), then it’s a bounce. Because a visitor did nothing meaningful on that page. Nothing. Step-8: If everything is working as intended then publish the new version of your container. Plus, part of the job is already complete: What we’ll need to do is to create a different trigger that will track only document link clicks (like Word or PDF files) and then create another GA Event tag that will send that event data to Universal Analytics. In Google Tag Manager interface, go to Triggers > New > Just Links and enter the following conditions: With this condition, the trigger will be activated if the clicked URL contains any of the following extensions (e.g. To learn about implementing video tracking via GTM, check out the following two articles: #1 YouTube Video tracking via Google Tag Manager, #2 Video Tracking via YouTube Video Trigger In Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager helps make website tag management simple with tools & solutions that allow small businesses to deploy and edit tags all in one ... auto-event triggers, and a user-friendly interface to help you manage your tags. Note that GTM’s “Form” trigger is limited in the types of forms that it can handle. However, it doesn’t record any of this data unless you tell it to do so. 1. It can enhance your goals, conversions, and reporting in ways you only wish you could have before. You need to do that manually. They might come from GTM, but not necessarily. Step-6: Create a new tag with following similar configuration which can send clicks on the tracked link to Google Analytics as an event: Tag Name: Send clicks on the download link to GA as event, Firing Triggers: Check for clicks on the download link. You should now see the Google Tag Manager Debug console window at the bottom of the page: Step-9: Click on the button and then click on the ‘Click’ event in the GTM debug console window: If you see the tag ‘Send button clicks to GA as event‘ is listed under the ‘Tags Fired’ section then it means that your tag fires on button click. But don’t worry, here are the most common issues that I’ve noticed when someone says that event tracking is not working for them. Are visitors clicking certain links? .pdf or doc). The platform takes the data on your website and sends it to other platforms such as Facebook Analytics and Google Analytics with little to no backend coding on your part. Tag setup (web) If you have not already added the basic Analytics tag, do this first. GTM is not the solution to all of your tracking problems and if a tag does not work via GTM, then feel free to hard code it on your website or look for other alternatives. This might sound complicated but once you understand the basic principles of tags, triggers and variables it becomes quite straight forward. Also, you can enable Pause, Seeking, and Buffering tracking. Step-3: Note down the ‘ID’ attribute of the image link through Google developer console (as explained earlier). As an example, let’s say that we want to track successful registrations on a website. Google Tag Manager and Event Tracking Setup. And when those events are sent to GA, you’ll have a report like this: Much better right? Assign the trigger to the tag and save everything. 1. What is Google Analytics event tracking used for? The more information you provide, the better we’ll understand your project and find the right solutions for you. Note(1):  In GTM, if you want to track any HTML element other than a link, then you set the ‘Trigger Type’ to ‘Click All Elements’. Scroll down until you find click variables and enable ALL of them one-by-one. While GTM already has a bunch of triggers like click, element visibility, Youtube, etc., they do not cover all the possible scenarios. How do I add an event in GTM for every time this widget is loaded, so that I may see the reports of those widget loads in GA ? I used here the most common file extensions from my experience but you can add more if you want. I followed the GTM tutorial here and am stuck on setting up the Event Tracking Parameters in that guide. In HTML, the ‘id’ attribute is used to uniquely identify an HTML element (like link, button, etc). But there are still many interactions that require custom solutions. fire Google Analytics Event code when the ID of the clicked button equals “main-cta-button”). The whole process of tracking clicks on the button which is embedded across a website, instead of just one particular page, is similar to tracking clicks on a button, embedded on a single page. IMPORTANT: this blog post teaches how to track events with Universal Analytics. Go to the Variables tab. Just before the closing parentheses, add a pipe (“|”) and add another extension, e.g. 'event_category': 'Widgets', To sum up: Got questions? Tracking Google Analytics Event is a three-step process: First Step. With the original UET tag that you added to all pages of your site, you’re able to track the URL goals like we discussed above. So if you are dealing with such a situation, try to use Google Search and find a custom tracking solution. Tracking Virtual Pageviews with Google Tag Manager. However, if you’ve never worked with code before, you might find tracking events with GTM easier than doing it manually. Step-2: Note down the URL of the web page where the button is embedded. #2.2. Unfortunately, some developers place it below the GTM container snippet thus break the Data Layer. You have just created a Google Tag Manager Custom Event Trigger. 'event_value': 1 Non-Interaction Hit – Set non-interaction Hit to ‘True’, so that event tracking does not affect the bounce rate of your website. This is optional>>, Google Analytics Settings: <