Islam also holds the " Eldritch Abomination " view of angels. Edit. Also, it's important to point out that the Demiurge was the Gnostic view of the god that everyone else was worshiping - you know, God as described extensively above? The generic angels depicted in paintings are almost always of this class being with wings, silk robes, and halos. Eldritch Abominations in Mythology and Religion. Geb, primordial god of the earth. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. That is right. Her body consisted of 12 tentacle-like legs and a cat's tail, while four to six dog-heads ringed her waist". 100 Eldritch Horrors ... Gzgeth, The Wandering Maw – This bulbous abomination closely resembles a starfish, but house sized (but technically never stops growing). For example, while Starfish Aliens are usually willing to take on a A Form You Are Comfortable With to avoid breaking your mind if they can, most Eldritch Abominations won't even acknowledge/realize you have one to break (and the rest either can't or won't care). It must be also noted, that it is believed according to tradition, that Postresurrection new bodies of mankind will reflect spiritual state of individuals. See Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?, when one of these abominations has their ass handed to them. It is to the world's great benefit that these two great beasts are mortal enemies, since it is said that their offspring would be the end of the world. To see an Eldritch Abomination in its true form would likely mark the end of days. Artwork and legends often have him separating his children. Things get weirder still. Some Christians have interpreted several verses, such as many in Corinthians 15, as that Yahweh changed mankind's original shape into that we have now, and that we will regain the original form when we meet Jesus again. History Talk (0) Characters that are indescribable, indefinable and inconceivable, these characters define and contradict the laws of physics and are even often hidden by another form, often inducing insanity when being looked at in their true forms. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of … Category page. They are the things that should not be, the ultimate aliens. Don't You Hate It When Your Ex Is An Eldritch Abomination. Read more . The biblical depictions of angels are more like traditional Eldritch Abominations than the. Edit. Speaking of big octopus-creatures, the Lusca from Caribbean mythology certainly seems like one of these. The "elder" we represent in our art is, in fact, just one of many forms and may in fact have both female and male traits. The Cthulhu Mythos jump has some relevant origins, I think. It is perhaps that which the religion and philosophy of Christianity of earth have referred to indirectly by the common noun God, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the Muslims worship as Allah, and by which the Rabbis of Judaism whisper by a cryptic arcane Tetragrammaton that only appears in Latin transliteration as "YHWH" (sometimes denoted as "YHVH"). When their appearance is uncomfortably human-like, see Humanoid Abomination (or, perhaps, The Fair Folk), but never expect them to be any nicer, though. What these monsters represented back then is up to debate, although some people believe these were visions of people high on drugs extracted from cacti. Eldritch Abominations are not simply creatures that look horrible on a metaphorically cosmic scale. Such laws as they do obey, such as When the Planets Align or Sealed Evil in a Can, are their nature, not ours. Variation of Cosmic Entity Physiology. 8 3 2 238. No real life examples, please; If you can give an example of this in real life we have bigger problems than editing wikis. So, with that said let us truly start: He is an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self — not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweep — the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. This is especially the case since Scylla was originally a beautiful nymph who was turned transformed by a jealous rival, who tries in vain to escape from the horrible monstrosity she's become. One gets the impression that the description isn't so much literal as it is meant to convey the notion that she's inconceivably terrifying. It gets better. Warframe has the Infested origin which while not eldritch, does turn you into an abomination. He is an Eldritch Abomination consisting entirely of millions upon zillions of lesser Eldritch Abominations, including us. Amenominakanushi, who is considered a sort of Supreme Being in some forms of, There's also the relatively obscure Japanese star-god, Hundun, similar to Khaos above, is a monster formed from the remnants of the proto-world that was not shaped into the ordered universe in, Also in Hindu Mythology we find Krishna, in the. Fon Religion gives us Dan the snake, a snake that has coiled itself 3500 times above the universe and another 3500 times below it to hold existence as we know it, which it also helped its god create, together. Eldritch Abominations are not simply creatures that look horrible on a metaphorically cosmic scale. |order = ascending In other words, Hundun was an Eldritch Abomination that … That's what the Gnostics believed ran the planet. Jun 22, 2020 - Explore dark-hour-shenanigans . A similar incident occurred with the Egyptian Aten, in which the conventional way of writing a god's name was replaced by the pharaohnic cartouche. Just a few representations of their gods have been unearthed, but these representations are rather uncanny, monstruous and they may as well be real Outer Gods or just abominations hard to describe. The Inconceivable. Usually depicted with a snake's head, or as a ram, bull, or crocodile. The Buddha, or at least the Mahayana (Buddhism merged with Far Eastern mysticism) version. Let us begin with a preface: Nobody, but nobody, does the supernatural Eldritch Entity quite like the Western world's favourite religious tradition. No self-respecting fantasy RPG seems to do without one or more of these (except some of the Evil Witchking villain variety, and even then, not always). Leviathan is said to be 300 miles long, breathes fire, has impenetrable scales, and glowing eyes. In one story, two Emperors, Shu and Hu, thought that since they had holes in their bodies (eyes, mouth, nostrils, etc) Hundun should have them as well. 0 Reply 22 days ago. History Talk (4) This category consists of beings whose raison d'être and/or appearance, the human mind cannot even begin to comprehend. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Simply put, the Universe and Everything that exists (yes, EVERYTHING) is a part of a greater cosmic being, known as Brahman. Well, hi there! Ayida-Weddo, a snake married to Damballah that simultaneously dwells in every source of fresh water, including the water in trees and is capable of altering the orbits of planets and stars. Bible talks a lot about future resurrected saints radiating glory and beauty of God. Category page. Most artistic depictions of Hindu gods are very eldritch, weird and psychedelic. That isn’t much of a Valid Reason Paris maybe was talking to someone else they did Reply to that Comment Specifically. The Prophet Muhammad was terrified when he saw Gabriel in his true form; God, through Gabriel, spends the first few verses of the Sura (chapter) Al-Muddathir calming him down. They are alien, madness-inducing reality warpers who literally are horrible on a cosmic scale. The Abomination of Desolation also counts as an. But if they were, one of their attacks would take out ALL of your H.P. God). Zzz Human. They are native to the genre known as Cosmic Horror Story, but they are not confined to it. With Nut, he fathered many of the more famous Egyptian Gods. Typically, Eldritch Abominations in Video Games aren't depicted as omnipotent and implacable. The most eldritch of the abominations come from Beyond. Behemoth is described so vaguely that all that is clear is that it is a (possibly mammalian) herbivore, and also incredibly strong. And his re-entry into the fight was pretty awesome in its own right, too - he jumped off Olympus and started hurling thunderbolts before the inevitable end-battle finale of, His mate Eckidnai/Echidna is nothing to sneer at either, roughly equivalent to fellow. And some works opt to replace all the heads with human ones. Close. }}. Eldritch is not just anything that looks like an ugly mashup of different kinds of Body Horror. Eldritch? When humans are regarded as this by non-humans, this is a case of Humans Are Cthulhu. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Nu was the Primordial Egyptian deity of the watery abyss and was usually male, but could be the female Naunet or the male Nun (, The Egyptians also believed in Ammit, which was likely the closest thing they had to a concept of Hell. It is a colossal (estimates very between 75 and. Lovecraftian stories (named after HP Lovecraft but he actually had a circle of writers that shared in this mythology) were written around that concept. Ancient Andean deities tended to be rather eldritch, especially in the first civilizations, like Chavín de Huantar. Eldritch abominations are perhaps the biological equivalent of Absolute Comparative: they are uglier, they are bigger, and they are more powerful than anything else in existence. the lives of … Remotely related to Ludicrous Speed, which will break your brain in a similar fashion. Edit. Destiny - the Darkness has a Hive origin eldritch abomination. 6 1 16. comments. She appears to people as a rainbow. High quality Abomination gifts and merchandise. In addition to being covered in eyes, he stands out from all of the other angels due to his sheer size. It was theorized that properly pronouncing the name of God will only result in insanity, hence why it is a blasphemy in Ancient Jewish folklore to attempt it.note In actuality it was for more practical reasons: in ancient Semitic religions writing the name of a deity was common for mystical purposes, and the worshipers of Yahweh simply didn't want to risk the possibility of someone else using their god against them. All the major Abrahamic religions and apologetics emphasize how the true form of God (and all the other "higher" celestial beings, but especially God) is beyond logic, causality, physics and comprehension of the human mind, because of His Transcendent nature, and so, trying to apply logic to these entities is just trying to exercise in complete futility. But it also implies that sinners with new bodies will be like walking abysmal horrors. There is the Lazón Stela, the Raimondi Stela, the Tello Obelisk and the Yauya Stele. We could speak of painfully dissonant noises and nauseating colours, ichor-dripping vermiform tentacles and abyssal yonic voids, or complex mathematical geometries, but those are mere superficialities. It is rare for a an Eldritch Abomination to be Pure Evil as they are usually amoral entities that are completely alien and don't operate under normal rules. This trope has some overlap with Starfish Aliens. Eldritch Abominations. They are alien, madness-inducing reality warpers who literally are horrible on a cosmic scale. She lurked in the shadows of the Hall of Judgment, and would deliver a horrible second death to any soul whose heart was weighed down by sin on the Balance of Ma'at, either by devouring them entirely or just their heart. See more ideas about fantasy creatures, mythical creatures, mythological creatures. Don't You Hate It When Your Ex Is An Eldritch Abomination. Also, Our Monsters Are Weird, Eldritch Location, and Divide by Zero, which often overlap with this, thanks to their nature. Or baby heads. Slightly milder abominations can get an exemption, provided the reality-screwing does not override all of their rules and set a permanent stellar battle that anything that gets close dies horribly over a long period of time with so much excessive Mind Rape (Serial Escalation, anyone?) 's board "Cryptids, Monsters, and Eldritch Abominations" on Pinterest. Image credit: Shub-Niggurath by Jason Juta Most gods in mythology treat humans as children, pets, livestock or fleshlights. Remember, these are just stories thought up by a very imaginative human being. In Vodoo religion, which also has origins in Benin, Dan is identified with as one of the two serpents of Damballah, whom the large majority of spirits (including many divinities in their own right) are lesser aspects of. If you see one of these in the flesh, it's too late to run. Add to that how in Hinduism, absolutely Everything, from the most powerful Gods to the smallest particle, are simply very microscopic aspects of the supreme omnipresent energy-like Primordial Entity that which cannot be exactly defined (think of it as what would happen if you took Yog-Sothoth and the Biblical God above and turn the "all-in-one-and-one-in-all" aspect up to even more inconceivable levels). "Angel," by contrast, means "messenger." You lot take me in, and I'm a big name. Check his portrayal in, The Gashadokuro in Japanese mythology. Behemoth and Leviathan are also worthy of mention. Alien beyond comprehension, their sole existence is an affront to all reason. These include some of the rarer varieties of undead, so long as they are rare and the product of ill-advised breeding programs. There's an old Jewish agadah about death of Moses, when the abovementioned Samael went by order of God to take his soul. Whether they are from beyond the stars, before the dawn of time, or a place incomprehensible to humans, they are alien to this universe and its laws. See: Eldritch Abomination. When it first appeared, It gets worse. This concept was pretty much borrowed from Plato's Theory of Forms (Theory of Ideas). Typhon, the youngest and most powerful of Gaia's offspring. Although the fact that Zeus was willing to fight it says volumes for the guy's courage. This section encompasses Jewish folklore, "... [H]igh above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. On top of that, He never changes and is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, He completely controls our destiny whether we like it or not, God at least provides love as long as you worship and revere Him, work through slightly less eldritch intermediaries, intersecting with themselves and spinning in up to four directions at once, intersecting themselves while turning, also flying with six wings, somehow attached while they're turning, we are probably seen as eldritch abominations, frightened and fled after he saw the face of Moses, bigger and badder than any of her children, the Climber Tusk, Bore-Tooth, Drill-Tooth, or Tusk the Traveler, Set needs the world to exist for him to rule it, and sometimes appears in the form of a cow, She is somehow both his mother and daughter, only ever mentioned in the Japanese creation myth, prefers to sing and praise the glories of Vishnu, who sleeps on its back. In some interpretations, the main head is a perfectly normal human's... that's red. The Bible rarely even gives any description that could let one picture a physical appearance, typically calling God a spirit, and the few times it does it's made clear this is only a form He chose for that occasion. Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr, and Duraþrór are Harts or Stags, also said to live among the branches of Yggdrasill. that Brain Bleach will be necessary. Instead, archaeologist, Johnathan Miranda stumbles across the tomb of An Scriosóir, a Lovecraftian creature who's bonded to the Earth as his eternal prison. They thus drilled those holes in Hundun, killing him in the process. Mild examples can be found throughout the Horror and Fantasy genres. The angels of sacred prostitution are much more humanoid looking though allowing them to have the, Probably not just humans, either. Here, the "ugly" in "big, ugly monster" doesn't just mean that it's horrible to look at -- it means that there's something about it, about the way it looks, or the spaces through which it moves, that violates every law of reality as you know it. But the Platonic Ideas still definitely fit the "weird psychology" part. These include a. {{#dpl: Thes… In fact, some Christians (and Mormons) believe God values free will so much that he gave humanity the option to fall just so that they would have it. Lavos as a Lovecraftian-style eldritch abomination ... Lovecraft started the Cthulhu mythos in 1920s, but encouraged his friends and other authors to expand upon the "shared mythology", and to continue to do so even after his death. It should be explained that the reason for this is that, in Abrahamic religions, the act of sin or heresy is—even if unintentionally—a personal attack against God's Word. And destroy your computer, or at least delete the game, in the process. a big octopus-creature. 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